Thursday, November 20, 2008

Venting Frustration

Ok, So I'm really getting into the whole start your own business thing. Ryan and I are starting a consulting business where people can basically have us hold their hand and walk them through the scary process of buying a new computer. We are already have a rough plan of what we need to do but with where we work we have to be very careful about what we do. We can't recommend anywhere but where we work, and we can’t do any work on computers until we either have enough business to support ourselves or until we find non related jobs that allow us to work unhindered by company polices and personal ethics. We already have a few leads and it seems like everything is falling into place, but with our current job situations we can't really go all out, and do what we want to and what we really feel like we should be doing. It is just so frustrating to feel like you are supposed to be doing something but to feel like you can't at the same time.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Testing testing 123...

Ok, I had a paper due today and I had a test to make up from last week. I managed to pull the paper out of my butt last night even though I had completely forgotten about it until about 3pm... The test however I bombed, I did a bit of studying, but not enough. I missed 3 classes and that absolutely screwed me. I got notes from a fellow classmate and note cards from the same person so that I could study, without much effort. So I did a bit of studying with that and was able to get enough info into my head to be able to at least pas the test. I don't know for sure that I even got a "C" but that is what I am hoping for...  I am really having problems being motivated for school. Even to the point that I just don't care if I pass or fail.

On the bright side of things, I might be in the process of starting a business. Right now it is nothing more than an idea, but it is a chance that it could turn into a full time job a year or so down the road. If that is the case it would be able to support me and Britt, getting me out of the Retail rat race. The retail world is an interesting one, it has its ups and downs but in the long run there are more downs than ups. The hours are crap and the pay is low but I think everyone should have to work retail at least once in there life time.

Friday, November 7, 2008

My days are running together...

Ok so we had/are having an old school LAN at my place tonight. We are playing Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth... I did get pretty good for a while there but I seem to have dropped off... oh well.

I had a pretty uneventful day, I went to work at freaking 9:30am. It was an ok day nothing exciting, just boring sales stuff... Nothing big and we were so slow... Why do we as a nation insist on starting Christmas before thanksgiving anymore? We have already started our holiday hours and we aren't seeing any more business. That, in my opinion, is poor business. I understand that you have to start staying open later so that people can shop for Christmas later in the evening, but seriously, we are still a month and a half, almost two months out from Christmas. Some call me a scrooge but I think that this is getting ridiculous. I saw Christmas stuff out before Halloween and wanted to kill myself. Any way... end of rant, back to what i wanted to talk about, not being able to tell when it is a week day.

So working retail I don't have a set schedule and it has gotten to the point that I just cant remember what day is what. I get to Saturday without ever thinking and if it weren't for britt telling me she had to teach class in the morning, I wouldn't know to set my alarms to get up. Why does retail follow a different set of rules than Corporate America? I understand staying open later but the working on Sundays is ridiculous. There should be self serve gas stations and public servants working on Sundays but that is about it... I just need to get job that is 9-5 and enjoy my weekends off, free time in the evenings, and a predictable schedule. Does anyone else feel like retail work is the worst thing ever? I am feeling quite frustrated with life can you tell?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Migraines.... Bleh!!!

I hate migraines! I woke up at 7:30am today with one. It is now 1am almost a day later and I'm still feeling the effects of the stupid thing. I literally sat in a dark room for at least 5 hours after I woke up to my head throbbing. I sat there curled up in a ball like a little baby, wrapped in a quilt leaning on a wall, trying to not let me head touch anything. I knew that if it did It would feel like needles piercing the part of my head that touched. To top it all off I was nauseated as hell, and felt like I was going to puke my brains out. A little medicine and a few hours later, my head doesn't hurt, but the medicine that I took has made me feel quite out of it, so i lounged around all day feeling very very lazy and getting nothing accomplished on my day off...

Does anyone else suffer from these freaking annoying things? Other than applying a warm or cool towel what do you do to make them go away? Heat and cold just make mine explode, remember the needles, so those options are out... but there has to be some way to make them feel at least bearable. It seems like others around me can deal a lot better with them than I can. What are your secrets?

How to Start?

Everyone around me is blogging and doing the whole Personal branding thing and it seems like they have been doing it for some time now. I think it is my time to step into the online world. I have never done the whole journal thing or been one to talk about any kind of feeling much less share my feelings with the world. So I will boldly step out and start blogging... I hope you all enjoy getting to know me a little better through my little blog.